Dr Mary Fraser

Vice Chair of Trustees BVMS MRes PhD CertVD MAcadMEd PGCHE FHEA FRSB FRCVS

Dr Mary Fraser is a veterinary surgeon with a special interest in medical and veterinary education.

She started out in mixed practice, before returning to academia and completing further clinical qualifications and a PhD in dermatology. She then moved on to teach veterinary nursing, working with ‘human’ nurses and still teaches evidence-based practice on a veterinary nursing MSc programme.

She set up her own small animal practice and veterinary CPD company, then worked with veterinary corporates and Stirling University Innovation Centre, before joining the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh as Director of Education, Training & Assessment where she oversees further training and assessment of medical professionals. . Her main interests are in medical/veterinary education, and in particular clinical decision making. In 2017 she was awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (FRCVS) for meritorious contributions to the profession. 
