Could you help give both humans and animals the opportunity for better health?
Money donated from unclaimed client funds can help Humanimal Trust improve collaboration between human and veterinary medicine, and work towards the day that new treatments for cancer, bone disease, spine disease, degenerative disease, infection and other conditions are routinely available more quickly for both humans and animals.
We receive no funds from Government. Everything we do is funded by the generosity of individuals and organisations like yours, motivated to make a difference to the future health of humans and animals alike. Will you join them?
Solicitors Regulation Authority’s (SRA) rules* and the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants for England & Wales (ICAEW) regulations** allow practices to donate unclaimed client funds to charities.
If you hold funds in dormant accounts, would you pass them on to Humanimal Trust to help support our work to bring vets, doctors and researchers together to collaborate and share their knowledge for the benefit of both humans and animals; to help us fund ground-breaking One Medicine research; to expand our One Medicine education programme for learners of all ages from primary to higher education – and more?
We can provide a suitable indemnity for individual client amounts exceeding £500.
For more information about using unclaimed funds to drive equal and sustainable medical progress for all humans and animals, please download our leaflet or contact us via [email protected]
You can help:
Save time
Save money
Save lives.
*SRA rules – Where the rightful owner cannot be traced, rules 20.1 and 20.2 of the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules permit balances under £500 to be paid to charity without SRA permission, providing certain safeguards are met. Amounts over £500 can also be paid to charity, providing SRA permission is granted and Humanimal Trust can provide an indemnity letter for this purpose.
**ICAEW regulations – The client must have remained untraced for five years. For sums of £10,000 and above (per client), Humanimal Trust is able to provide an indemnity for the sum provided.