Matthew is a Professor of Genomics and the Oscar J. Fletcher Distinguished Professor of Comparative Oncology Genetics in the Department of Molecular Biomedical Sciences at the North Carolina State University (NCSU) College of Veterinary Medicine.
He is a member of the NCSU Comparative Medicine Institute (CMI), Center for Human Health and the Environment and the Genetics and Genomics Academy, as well as the Duke Cancer Institute and the Cancer Genetics Program at the University of North Carolina’s Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and a Chartered Biologist.
Professor Breen’s research focuses on genetics, genomics and the comparative aspects of animal and human health. Using a range of genetic and genomic technologies, his group evaluates changes to genome structure that occur in animal cancers. The group aims to improve outcomes for animal cancer patients while simultaneously advancing understanding of the comparable cancers in people.
In addition, the team assess the impact of daily environmental exposures on the health of animals, as sentinels for human health. He is a regular reviewer for numerous scientific funding agencies and journals. He serves on the editorial board of several journals, as well as Regional Editor for Canine Genetics and Medicine and Associate Editor of Chromosome Research and Frontiers in Genetics (Molecular Cytogenetics). Professor Breen was a charter member of the Canine Comparative Oncology and Genomics Consortium (CCOGC), a 501c3 not-for-profit organisation established to promote the role of the dog in comparative biomedical research and serves on the steering committee of the National Cancer Institute’s Integrated Canine Data Commons.