'What is One Medicine' Explained by our Founder, Professor Noel Fitzpatrick

Our founder, Professor Noel Fitzpatrick, has recorded a series of short videos to help us talk about our work, our purpose and our vision. The videos, which will be used as part of our education and awareness programme, as well as at conferences, events and engagement activities, cover four key areas:  

  • The concept of One Medicine 

  • The future of One Medicine 

  • Reciprocity 

  • Treating naturally occurring diseases 

Joe Bailey, Humanimal Trust CEO, said: “Humanimal Trust advocates for a future that offers a fair deal to human and animal patients; a future where all beings benefit from equal medical progress. Human and animal medical professionals working together, sharing knowledge, and saving lives. This is One Medicine and who better to explain why we need to take this approach, why it matters and why we should make One Medicine a reality, than our founder, Professor Noel Fitzpatrick - a human who has dedicated his life to improving the lives of others. We are excited to share the first in our new series of videos with you and would love to hear your thoughts.” Please get in touch at info@humanimaltrust.org.uk